Monday, March 2, 2009

Finley's First Three Months

It's unbelievable that three months have already passed. Finley amazes us each day by the little things that she has learned to do. Here are some of Finn's favorites...

1. Bath - Every night at 6:30pm, we give Finn her bath. She absolutely LOVES it!!! She kicks and smiles the entire time.

2. Thumb - Loves to suck her thumb! (especially at night or during nap time)

3. Giggling - She did this for the first time on February 11. I think that I was more amazed by it than she. Ever so often, she'll entertain me with her giggles.

4. Sleeping - I think this is actually mommy and daddy's favorite. As of her three month birthday on February 19, Finn slept and has been sleeping (fingers crossed) from 7pm to 7am. The scheduling has definitely paid off!

5. Music - Mommy is by no means Andrea Bocelli , but Finn seems to love music and singing. Pianist...Violinist....who knows what the future may hold for her.

Our little bear is growing up so fast... Can't wait to see what she does to amaze us in the coming months.